Monday, December 7, 2020

A (How to Counter) Warwick Guide

This guide was made in response to a player asking what Warwick's main weaknesses are, outside of counterpicks. In this, I used key elements of Warwick's playstyle to illustrate the hows and whys behind Warwick's strengths and weaknesses. I found that this was an amazing way to both explain Warwick as a champion as well as how to counter Warwick.

Warwick is pretty much forced into an early Lv3 gank due to how amazingly poor he is at doing Raptors and Krugs without Tiamat. His preferred early path is a single target clear, affording Wolves if he has time, so Red (Wolves) Blue Gromp into gank (or Blue to red, but much less common). His gank timing thus is around 2:30-2:50 given a decent leash and whether or not he wants to do wolves.

Warwick prioritizes scrappy lanes (procs his W for free), easy ganks (wants Tiamat/snowball himself), and volatile lanes (gank Jungler) in roughly that order, preferring Side Lanes unless Mid is melee or way overpushed. If you're playing a similar champ (Lee Sin, Shaco, Hec) you should know what lane his eye is on and move to Countergank him. An unsuccessful first clear and gank for Warwick can often be a death sentence. Otherwise if you're playing a more Passive or farm Jungler, path opposite of him and avoid him; he will murder you otherwise.

He's basically got Lee Sin or Elise type scalings; aggro early game, crazy mid game spike if he snowballs, but he's on a timer before he's forced to be a really inefficient tank bruiser by the late game. Whether or not he gets the early aggro off and the mid game spike is more dependent on your laners than it is on you, but if you have a scaling champion (especially a teamfighter), playing the waiting game can often be enough to deal with him; eventually you will just outperform him in late game teamfights.

He's also basically one of the best 1v1 statcheck duelists in the game until his stats fall off. Unless you yourself are and are playing a premier duelist and you're that confident, your best option is often to just leave WW and do something else somewhere else if you ever run into him. Really good Warwick players will pull Singed or Shaco levels of bait; DO NOT ENGAGE A LOW HEALTH WARWICK UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU CAN GET AROUND HIS E (and potentially his Ult). His Q heal is huge depending on the state of the game, his W and Passive will statcheck you, and his E and his Ultimate will close out any danger he is in from being low health.

Warwick's late game win conditions are Pick primarily and Splitpush secondarily. He can pick off stragglers and many splitpushers, and he wins teamfights by disabling high priority teamfighters (especially ADCs and Mages). Tank Warwick isn't that good at splitpushing other than bouncing waves, but do keep an eye out for the occasional AD Warwick or the rare AS WW as they are threats to towers while still maintaining his dueling ability (at the cost of his late game teamfighting). Thus the best way to counter him is to group up and siege an objective. Let the Ranged Carries do all the work, your job (sorry I just realized I'm writing this all from the perspective of a Jungler) is to track WW and make sure he doesn't have a direct Line of Sight on your carries. Prevention is best done saving your abilities and just being a human shield; if you take the Ult so be it, but you're really gonna want to save your abilities until Warwick makes the first move (and he's forced to make the first move due to his kit) either to knock him off his Ultimate or to burst him down once his E is over.

Imo Quicksilver Sash is a higher priority item than Grievous Wounds; his heals are on-hit and thus only apply if he's already caught you, which is better resolved with Sash. Also it makes you a way better meatshield since WW now knows Ulting you is a waste. On that line of reasoning, anything that can help you survive a bad pick may be necessary if WW starts targetting you (Stopwatch items, Lifesteal, etc.) Past that, Grievous Wounds is a small part of a bigger picture; you need tank busting potential. If you're playing DPS carries this means most % stats. If you're playing Juggernauts and Bruisers, that means PTA/Conqueror and using him to ramp yourself up. And of course, Enchanters need to hard prioritize Healing/Shielding power. As for everyone else, itemization isn't as important. Burst Champions are better off ignoring WW unless you can afford to wait out his E, in which case GW may not even matter. And WW is better off ignoring most Tanks, making Thornmail sometimes irrelevant and WW's hybrid damage means Tanks don't have to make specific accommodations for him.

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